A better fit
In developing both our new products for market and the way we work with our distributors we have focused on how we can provide a better fit across the whole supply chain.
Read our research and development journey
Prima Digital to Distributors
29%Improved performance compared to the market leader, that's 29% longer tool life.

Saving per restoration
40%cost reduction per restoration thanks to improved tool life and precision.

Superior CVD Coating
10XOur CVD coating has 10x more diamond thickness than our closest competitor.

Restoration to CAD Design
MULTIFluted for a unique, patent pending design resulting in increased milling efficiency and reduced tool wear.

Testimonial from Lab User
800"They easily managed 40 crowns per day, 5 days a week for a month."

Tools to machines
SIXDownloadable 'Tool Sets' developed by authorised Roland software providers.